Wednesday 13 June 2012

How to Measure your Premium Beautiful Size- Easy steps!

The very first step towards your Premium Beautiful journey is to get yourself measured. 

It's not a ONE size fits ALL corset

Fact is women comes in all shapes and sizes
So putting us women into one category is a crime! 

Pear-shape, tubular, hourglass, apple
Have no worries, Premium Beautiful is definitely catered for women of all different sizes, no discrimination here

Premium Beautiful is customised for your specific body shape, and it also comes in 3 piece- the 3 pieces may even have different sizes to fit your body! How fantastic is that?
 It's tailored for your body and so, comfort to the max people! 

Let's find out what the steps are!

All the measurements will be taken in centimetres (cm).

1. First and foremost you gotta measure your girls - BUST (puncak dada)

BUST (Puncak dada)
2. Next, measure your UNDERBUST (bawah dada)

UNDERBUST ( bawah dada)
3. Measure your WAIST (pinggang) *Note: if you're not sure where your waist is (it does happen!) , it must be aligned with your elbow (pinggang selari dengan garis siku)

WAIST (pinggang)

4. Last but not least you'll need to measure the peak of your BUM (puncak punggung)

Peak of BUM (puncak punggung)

Easy Right!

For your information,  You can contact me via

Mobile no (text/whatsapp): 012-2575143


Facebook : 
Twitter  :

Come on and grab the latest promotion!

Thursday 31 May 2012

My Engagement Day

 As per requested from my buddies and family. Sorry for the late uploading the photos.. Hope you enjoice... :) :) :)


Wednesday 30 May 2012

Transformation My New Life

I'm gonna blab about myself.. Mestilah kn dh title mcm ni kn.. First of all, nk story sikit nobody perfect kn.. Like my case, Nadia ade problem lower part (Peha besar) + butt pn besar sumore..sad :( :( .. serious xcantik betul if pakai seluar.. baru berangan nk jd supermodel.. xlepas.. awal2 kena reject.. sad lg.. :( :( .. Than, ada satu hari Nadia bukak one of my friendlist dlm FB, selalunye i'm not really interested with direct selling or what so ever pasal business online ni tp bila tgk hari2.. mcm interested pulak (siap google lg OK nk tahu further detail lg pasal this product) & + lg2 that time tengah bape bulan lg nk bertunang .. OMG, stress kalau baju xmuat.. sad kali ketiga.. One day, tibe2 hati terdetik nk berwhatapps dgn my senior time kt UITM dulu ni than dia pn story la pasal product ni & esok jugak dia dtg rumah amik measurement (wah, sgt pantas & efficient sekali) hebat.. Sambil2 ambil measurement tnya la jugak pasal business ni mcm mane.. OK ke.. bwk untung ke.. ade benefit ke.. ada customer complaint ke..bla..bla..bla.. bnyk jugak la tnye..serious kalau org lain sure dh fed up dh.. Hai2 bye2... Tp, dia pn dgn rela hati share business dia dgn Nadia..Speechless... 

A few days later, receive one set premium beautiful than Nadia pn pakai lah everyday more than 8 hour without failed (except weekend) + minum lactolite..and the result, tak sampai lower part dh semakin kecik (Good sign).. berat pn dh turun (Good sign).. badan pn xbongkok (Good sign).. HAPPY!HAPPY!HAPPY... It's amazing.. and paling best.. pakai baju time engagement pn dh confident and ramai puji dh kurus & cantik.. nampak curve.. happy lg sekali... (Owh ya, gambar engagement will upload soon ok) Tunggu!!!!!!!! Special thanks to Mursyida Mohsin a.k.a syida a.k.a cik cida cos sudi share business ni dgn Nadia & jd one of business partner syida. Nak la jugak kn buat side income n share my experience dgn org lain pulak.. Serious pakai premium beautiful mmg best.. U won regret..

Before guna PB Corset..

After tadaaaa....
Call / sms : 012-2575143 (Nadia)

New Opportunity

  • Real biz real money .
  • bukan janji bulan bintang tapi duit bonus tambahan setiap bulan... 
  • New image semua berbaloi.. 
  • Bukan sahaja dapat duit malah yang paling berharga adalah kesihatan & kecantikan..


CALL / SMS : 012-2575143 (Nadia)

Tuesday 24 April 2012

What is your body shape?

Body type refers to whether you are a naturally skinny, muscular or fat person. (Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph) This has a large genetic component. Through diet and exercise, you do not have to look like your true body type though – it just takes a little more work. A natural skinny person can overeat and not exercise and look like an endomorph. An Endomorph can look like a lean and muscular mesomorph through proper diet and exercise.

Your Body Shape refers to where the fat in your body naturally is distributed. This is primarily a function of the hormones in your body and your genetics. Men and women share some of the same body shapes, although some are fairly sex specific. Men tend to store fat in their lower abdomen and in their “love handles”. Women tend to store fat in their hips, upper thighs and back of their arms.

Rectangle or Tower Shape: Generally fat is distributed equally over the body. This is the typical “adolescent boy” shape. This shape is seen in both men and women.

Pear Shape: Fat is stored in the buttocks and legs. This is seen more in women than in men.

Apple Shape: This is more known as a “Busty” look in women, but some men also carry their weight in their chest. The most common place that men carry their weight is in their “Beer Belly”, which is also the most dangerous place health-wise for men.

Hourglass Shape: The “Barbie” shape. Almost only seen in women.

Can you change your body shape? The short answer is YES and NO. You can drastically change the amount of fat that you have, but you can’t change the places where your body naturally wants to store it. The good news: a pear shaped person can lose the fat on their thighs and buttocks. The bad news: if you gain weight, the fat goes right back to your thighs and buttocks.To get a good result, PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL the best way to tone your shape to the ideal.So, call me now and I'll guide you the best way to change your perfect body and you won't regret.

Kindly contact me to assist you :)

Saturday 21 April 2012

Correct Way to Wear PB

Wearing Guideline

Here is a step by step guide on how to wear your Premium Beautiful correctly. Since it is a three piece set. Lets do this one by one ladies.


Long Girdle
The Long Girdle will be the first piece you put on
Firstly, fold the top of the Long Girdle outwards.
Put your legs in carefully and slowly pull the girdle up until you have reached your hips. Then you can unfold the folded part up to cover your tummy (belly button)
Put one hand into the girdle at the back and lift up your buttocks, while the other hand pushes from the outside
Adjust the girdle so that you are comfortable and ensure that the diamond/butterfly is aligned at the centre of your body.


Long Bra
The Long Bra should be the second piece.
Bend down slightly so that your breast can fill in the cup properly.
Fasten all the hooks at your back
Put your hands into the cup and pull all the flesh from the back into the cup. Keep doing this until you can see that you have a ‘flat back’, and no bulging flesh.
Adjust the strap at the back
Ensure that the diamond/butterfly is aligned at the centre of your body, parallel with your Long Girdle.
The Long Bra should sit on top of your Long Girdle.


Waist Nipper
Finally, wear the Waist Nipper.
Fasten the hooks on the waist nipper. The hooks are on the left side of your body.
Adjust the waist nipper and ensure that its diamond/butterfly is aligned with the diamond/butterfly from your Long Bra.
Stand straight and pull the string to tighten
Pull the string to the front of your body, and hook nicely.

How to wash Premium Beautiful

  • Hand wash
  • Natural soap or mild detergent (PB Wash sold separately for only RM35)
  • Rinse in cool water
  • Role in towel to remove excess water
  • Hang to dry. NEVER ever hang outdoors to direct sunlight
  • Do NOT dry clean or iron
  • Premium Beautiful dries up on 4-6 hours (hang with the fan on to dry faster)

Premium Beautiful

What is Premium Beautiful?

Premium Beautiful is the No. 1 health corset in Malaysia and probably the only one in the World. It uses and is embedded with F.I.R technology mainly for improving blood circulation. It has helped thousands of Malaysian women rediscover their beauty, confidence and become healthier in the process. Premium Beautiful is designed 70% for healthy and 30% for beauty. It is an incredible combination of its three pieces, Long Bra, Long Girdle and Waist Nipper. This three pieces work together to give 100% of satisfaction:




Why Premium Beautiful is worth it?
It's a good INVESTMENT for every women from all ages.
WITHOUT pill, diet, exercise, surgery & injection LIFETIME WARRANTY!


-Improves BLOOD circulations

-Stabilize metabolic rate

-SHAPE UP your body and give a good posture, FIRM UP breasts and buttocks

-Reduce Cellulite and stretch marks



-Improve RESPIRATORY sistem

-Regulate period flow, improve irregular period and eliminate PERIOD PAIN

-Prevent the growth of CANCER cells


-Helping people to CONCEIVE baby

-Reduce back pain and good for people having problem with SLIP DISC

and MANY MORE!!!

Other Benefit are

  • It has lifetime warranty (FOC services for any damages)
  • It is custom made to fit all types of women shapes and sizes
  • It is embedded with Far Infra-red Rays FIR
  • It is made of high quality material - Akwatek & Akwadyne
  • It is comfortable - 360 degree elasticity
  • It has been awarded with SUPERBRANDS
  • Recommended by three International Chiropractic Association (American/Canadian/Quebec

For more info on how to buy PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL Corset & how to start your PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL business, Contact Me 0122575143